Know Your Return on Investment for An Onsite Clinic
March 22, 2024
Honor your Mental Health by Moving your Body!
April 30, 2024
Know Your Return on Investment for An Onsite Clinic
March 22, 2024
Honor your Mental Health by Moving your Body!
April 30, 2024

Spring Clean Your Health!

Spring is known for being a time for renewal, growth and a fresh start. Now is the time to embrace the spirit and do some spring cleaning of your own… health and wellness style!

(Safely) Soak up the Sun!

The cold winter weather often leaves us cooped up inside. Take advantage of the new rising temperatures and get outside! Being in the sun helps to replenish our body’s natural supply of Vitamin D. Being outside in the sunlight also boosts our mood and immune system. Always apply sunscreen when you plan to be in the sun. Safety first!

Take a Stroll

Even if you have a regular exercise routine, adding a walk outside can do wonders for your health and well-being. In fact, walking can help lower your blood pressure and boost your immune system. And if winter has turned you into a couch potato, walking is a great way to become more active without overdoing it.

Clean out the Cabinets

Now is the perfect opportunity to go through your medicine cabinet and get rid of expired medications and items you no longer use. Remember to use caution when disposing of medications. There are often local resources that will assist you in disposing of old medications.

Declutter your Life

Clutter is the stuff that has been accumulating all winter (and possibly for years). It keeps us from moving forward. It creates stress and overwhelms. Getting rid of clutter will give you a huge boost of energy! Tackle the piles, donate the no longer loved, purge and organize. Don’t underestimate the power of this! It will create major shifts in your life.

Reboot your Menu!

You don’t need to starve yourself or drink green juice all day to detox your body. Spring is the perfect time to reset your body after the heavy foods of the winter by incorporating seasonal spring foods into your diet. Take advantage of farmer’s market season and purchase local, organic produce. Try to incorporate lots of greens, asparagus, radishes, fresh herbs, spring peas, etc. into your diet and infuse your meals with life and vitality, eating foods that nourish and support your natural detoxification process.