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April 29, 2022
Business Spotlight: BluMine Health
July 29, 2022Leaders in Concierge Healthcare Services

Julie Miller and Michele Aponte are on the vanguard of a new idea in healthcare. A concept that both saves companies of every kind on costs and guides everyday people to improve their wellbeing. BluMine Health is designed as direct-to-employer concierge healthcare. In actual practice, that means that the employees of BluMine clients see attentive, excellent nurse practitioners for their basic needs rather than being tossed into the conventional healthcare system, thus reducing costs and creating a relative sense of ease for patients.
The BluMine program doesn’t replace health insurance but instead compliments it. “Everything we do is a claim that’s not going to insurance,” Julie says. “These nurse practitioners really spend time with patients, identify their needs, and build long-term trust. It’s one flat fee for the companies we work with and totally free to their employees.” BluMine began in 2014 and currently has twelve clinics, some of which are right on the premises of their larger clients, so employees can very easily be seen whenever it’s necessary. They made it through the most challenging days of the pandemic with flying colors and, as a point of great pride, never closed for even a day. The clinics can easily communicate with BluMine’s Medical Director whenever necessary. Patients receive the kind of one-on-one care that’s often elusive, especially for ongoing conditions.
Potential clients begin the process with a free initial consultation. A company of any size or type can review the last year’s worth of health insurance claims and determine if BluMine can create a better return on investment. In most cases, they can create win/win solutions for all involved. “This is the kind of care that can follow you through your life and help keep you well through healthy outcome initiatives,” says Michele. “We believe in keeping promises.”