Q&A With Dr. Eric Yazel
January 14, 2019
February 4, 2019Thank You To All Healthcare Professionals

To those who dedicate their lives to health and healing;
To those who help prevent disease and reduce pain;
To those who prolong lives and provide hope; and
To those who serve during most difficult times.
You might be a family member, you might be a friend, you might be a neighbor or you might be a stranger. Regardless of our relationship, we know you are risking your life to save others.
Spring is definitely in the air and these sunny days give us promise that better days are ahead of us. We are all definitely anxious for the new normal to begin. In the meantime, we should all continue doing everything possible to protect ourselves and others from contracting the coronavirus, the flu or even the common cold. There is new hope in our future. In that spirit, let’s begin (if you haven’t already) doing the physical and mental tasks that can improve our health and long-term wellbeing.
Wellness and stress-busting go hand in hand. It’s really fair to say that we could all benefit from less stress at any time. Thankfully, there’s more than one way to make that a reality. In fact, we’ve built a list of ways to reduce stress. We have noted them below for your convenience. From occasionally putting your phone down to chewing gum, there’s something here for everyone.
1. Go outside. Fresh air and nature have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Exercise however and whenever you can. Exercise has been shown to improve immune system functions and make you feel better mentally and physically.
3. Take a break from social media….. at least for a few days. It can be an unrealistic place.
4. Eat your vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods. Cut out as much processed food as you can.
5. Try some deep-breathing exercises to start your day or any time during the day.
6. Avoid smoking or vaping, which cause chronic inflammation in your airways and compromise your immune system’s ability to fight viruses.
7. Download a meditation app like Headscape and Calm.
8. Watch a comedy show or rent a funny movie. Laughing can reduce stress, relieve tension and improve your mood.
9. Get plenty of sleep. For adults, that means seven hours at a minimum. Eight hours is even better.
10. Drink green tea. It contains an amino acid that can reduce stress.
11. Stretch to relax your body and mind. Or find other ways to relax for 30 minutes a day. Try meditation, take a warm bath or just sit and day dream for a while. Calm your body and your mind in a way that is relaxing to you.
12. Rekindle an old hobby like drawing, painting, knitting or woodworking.
13. Start a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positives in life.
14. Try progressive muscle relaxation to feel relaxed from head to toe. Stretch or move every part of your body.
15. Listen to music that you enjoy. The right playlist can boost mood and increase energy.
16. Take a brisk or slow-paced walk during the day or evening.
17. Try a diffuser. Aromatherapy can be an effective stress reliever.
18. Eat some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate to lower stress hormones in your body.
19. Unclutter your desk and your home.
20. Do yoga. There are numerous workout tapes available. If you don’t have them already, go online.
21. Get some sun. Vitamin D is a powerful mood booster.
22. Get more omega-3’s from sources like salmon and avocado. They can reduce stress and anxiety.
23. Spend more time with positive happy people. You can easily do this virtually with today’s technology – your telephone, Facetime, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Skype are good examples. Avoid if you can or at least spend less time with the people who bring you down.
24. Don’t drink or at least try to limit the amount. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair your body’s ability to fight infection.
25. Start a garden to slow down and connect with nature.
26. Dance to reduce stress and boost serotonin.
27. Talk it out. Sharing your stress with a therapist or loved one can be very therapeutic.
28. Pet or play with an animal. If you don’t have a pet at home, look outside….. the birds, squirrels and rabbits are all very active now.
29. Chew gum. It can reduce stress, fatigue and depression and promote a more positive mood.
30. Stop procrastinating. Use this downtime to catch up on those projects, repairs, or chores that you have been putting off because there was no time.
31. Hug someone or blow them a kiss (even if it has to be virtually). Studies show physical intimacy is a great coping mechanism.