Questions and Answers

Patients Want To Know
1Who is BluMine Health?
BluMine is an employer-sponsored healthcare program that provides care not only to the employee, but the family as well. Annual healthcare costs seem to only go in one direction — upward. Employers no longer expect a return on investment (ROI) from their hemorrhaging budget. BluMine is changing that by turning employer’s cost into an actual investment and allowing them to reap the benefits. BluMine removes barriers for the employees, allowing for the convenience of proximity and personal attention they deserve. At BluMine, we believe that people and their employers will thrive due to personal, effective healthcare that disrupts a broken system of high costs.
2How Can I Access the Patient Portal?
Click here for the patient portal. This link will take you to the patient portal. You can access via this web link or download via your smart phone or mobile device. In this patient portal you will find your previous medications, prescriptions, visit history, follow-up information and how to secure and request an appointment.
3Will my health information or test results be shared with my employer?
No. BluMine never shares your personal health information with your employer. You will have a form for authorization to share medical information. We provide you with our privacy practices. You have patient rights and responsibilities in the documentation we require and you authorize. Click here to see the document "Notice of Privacy".
We do not share personal information with 3rd parties for marketing/promotional purposes.
We do not share personal information with 3rd parties for marketing/promotional purposes.
4Where can I access patient forms?
Click here for the patient forms.
5Where are the closest BluMine Care Clinics?
Click here to see all BluMine Care Clinic locations.
6Why is My Employer partnering with BluMine?
BluMine is a healthcare cost solution that helps employers elevate employee health while increasing their bottom line. For patients, it allows for onsite, affordable care for you and your families. Personal effective care that breaks through the high cost of the industry’s web of healthcare networks provides a brighter future for all involved.