Saving You Money

Saving you money is the reason we developed comprehensive relationships to manage your prescription needs and costs. The right drugs at the right time, at a price you can afford. We know it makes a difference in your overall healthy attitude in getting better sooner. If we discover there is a better service tied to a similar drug regimen, or a generic version, then we will offer the options to you. A savings of 20 to 30% is possible with our guidance each month. Brand assistance and everything from manufacturer coupons to rewards are utilized to give you the savings you deserve as a patient. We will not deny you any drugs and there will be no benefit reductions—just alternative ways for fulfillment in most cases.
Some mail order medication options can offer the best savings for chronic conditions for example. At BluMine Health, we know the appropriate choices and will make the best possible recommendations so you can live well and within your budget.
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